Monday, October 29, 2012

Bellringer 10/29

As the final voting day is getting closer, it's all coming down to the state of Ohio. It's going to be up to them to decide who is going to win.. guess we'll see!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Bellringer 10/25

I don't think either candidate is trustworthy. They both lie and I feel voters can't trust them.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bellringer 10/24

The race is very close between the two candidates. It's hard to tell from here on out, who is going to win. I believe Romney will, but that's my opinion. Donating money isn't the best idea tho.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bellringer 10/23

I think the Real ID Act is a good idea. It would keep a plane from becoming hijacked again, and you'd have to show all identity at the DMV. I just don't think spending 1.4 million to get 3 million in 5 years is a good idea.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Bellringer 10/22

They're afraid that The Greenbrier is going to be turned into a gambling resort. Stanton said that nothing at the Greenbrier is free. He now regrets that there is gambling in the state.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bellringer 10/19

Obama was on the today show and talked about how he was on the debate. He said not much changed from the last debate. He mentions that whatever problems there are, he's going to fix them.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bellringer 10/18

While watching the election, you can tell that both of them lied a lot. I think Romney was very rude and interrupted Obama multiple times. After one would speak, they'd try and make their statement sound better by feeding the audience lies after lies. You can plainly see that they don't like each other very much.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bellringer 10/16

Millionaires are overrepresented because of their money. They have an advantage over someone who self-finances in an election.

Romney is now ahead of Obama, but the Electoral College will decide. By 11 states.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Bellringer 10/15

A student wrote that schools were being transformed into test-preparation factories. They're pushing students to do nothing but get high test scores. The student would rather be taught, learn and explore and go to school for his teacher to actually teach.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bellringer 10/12

Biden was very unprofessional just like Obama in the last debate. Ryan covered more than both of them, and was very precise about what he said.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bellringer 10/11

Racial preferences are making people victims of discrimination. Applications to college are being rejected because of their skin color, and it's been taken as far as court. The campus was first integrated in 1950, when Sweatt sued the school because he was a negro. Today they still think the racial preferences have gone too far.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bellringer 10/10

I don't think they should have used Big Bird, because it's not like little kids can vote to begin with. But during the debate, Romney said he wanted to cut spending for PBS and said he liked Big Bird.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bellringer 10/9

If an employee is talking about the company, they should be punished for what is said. They're being watched on what they post. But if it's something like "they hate their job" then it shouldn't be a big deal.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Bellringer 10/8

People are leaving the country when the candiate that they chose lost.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bellringer 10/4


The first 30 minutes of the debate belonged to Romney. He outlined his own ideas about taxes and the deficit. When it comes to taxes, more people trust Obama than Romney, according to the polls. Romney wants to reduce taxes on middle income families. Romney played offense while Obama played defense.

Fox News

Romney came prepared for this debate and challenged his opponent on the facts. Obama slammed Romney for wanting to turn Medicare into a "voucher" system, repeal the federal health care overhaul and allegedly push a tax cut for top earners. The major point both candidates hit was about taxes. The president, though, repeatedly hammered Romney at the debate for allegedly hiding the details of his plans.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bellringer 10/3

I think you should always have to show ID when voting.

Ashtin or Haddix weren't on the voting chart. Brooke: 77 gave to Democrats. 42 gave to Republicans

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Social Awareness #2 10/1

Senate Bill

Summary: Allowing a better variety of food in schools for students

Lead Sponsor: Ashtin Haddix

Bill Text: A Bill to allow all students to have the availibility of  a wider variety of healthier food choices in their school system, in the state of West Virginia. A studen't shouldn't have to eat something they don't like, and should have another choice upon that decision. Note: The purpose of this bill is to allow a better variety of foods in the school for students to choose from. They should recieve the right amount of calories, and an appropriate sized meal. It isn't fair to students that child in pre-school is getting the same amount of food as a senior in high school. Something needs to be done.

Subject(s): school system, health plan, food variety

Actions: Preceding infront of the Senate

Bellringer 10/2

The Supreme Court is no longer about fair interpretation of the constitution. It's all about the politics.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bellringer 10/1

A person should never be able to board a plane with a gun, even if it gets past security. Especially after 9/11. I don't see how security could mistakenly miss a gun in someone's bag. They obviously aren't doing their job well enough, and let something so big slide by and let them carry it onto the plane. The security along with the victim should have some type of punishment.