Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Bellringer 12/18

I agree with Manchin. The ban should be approved to protect all children, and not only children. You can't prevent such a tragedy from happening, because people are going to do it anyways.

Bellringer 12/17




The shooting Friday occured around 9 in the morning. The shooter first killed his mother at her home. After that he went to a Connecticut elementary school. The shooter walked in and shot the principal and psycologist and then proceeded to shoot 26 people. He then shot himself.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bellringer 12/13

If the US is becoming obese, so is the Army. They're dismissing troops and sending them home to drop a few pounds. I don't see how a person in the Army can actually gain weight. They should have to be and stay a certain weight to fight. It's probably not safe to have a fat person in the Army.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bellringer 12/12

There was a leak in the gas line and caused an explosion. It blew up houses and caused damage, but nobody was injured. Now they have interstate 77 shut down.

Bellringer 12/11

The Fiscal Cliff is the newest discussion topic with Obama and the Senators. They need to decide what's going on and when they're going to do it. I think they need to hurry up and decided what's going on and do it now! If they don't get it done, the dates will just keep getting pushed back!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Bellringer 12/10

I don't care how old these boys were, they deserve a punishment. They shouldn't have been out on their own to begin with being the ages of 7 and 11. Neither should they have had guns.

Bellringer 12/7

This is what is wrong with society today. People should be more worried about helping a person in need instead of taking their picture. It's ridiculous that these people have to suffer pain but they also have to go through the humiliation of their photo being posted to media and then it goes around the world.

Bellringer 12/6

I believe that the best spoken person should win the award. People really don't pay attention when they vote. They don't dig down deep enough to really find their meaning behind everything that they put into their work.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Bellringer 12/5

Women aren't banned from combat, but from infantry. If a women ends up pregnant, she'll get deployed and sent back home. It isn't necessarily fair to the women, but it happens.

Bellringers 12/4

Filibuster means to kill time. They're trying to fix the problem, but not fight over it. One guy fainted from killing time.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Bellringer 12/3

I think adding on hours to school days is bad enough, but actually adding on days to the whole entire school year is ridiculous.  I don't think it's a good idea. A student needs time off, and needs time to relax and enjoy themselves. They don't need to be going to school all that time.