Friday, February 22, 2013

Bellringer 2/22

1) They're wanting less ethanol because they're having troubles in the oil and food industry. It's raising the prices that they have to pay for feed and raw materials. So use less ethanol.

2) I don't think WV is a depressing state. Nowadays, people just don't know what to do with themselves because it is today's society. They don't realize what's naturally around them. Don't live here if you don't know what to expect. I think WV is a safe place for anyone. Nothing bad happens around here, and people still freak out. People take advantage of our state because not much is around and they don't do anything for themselves. Get out and quit sitting around to make yourself come depressed. Enjoy the beauty is has to offer. People like to sit around anymore and have others work for them and they live on welfare, when one day they're just going to die sad and alone. But they didn't get up and get a job, or go see a doctor. Its they're own fault. I understand that you can't control depression when it triggers, but you can still go see someone about it. Even if that means you have to get off your lazy bum and drive! It's ridiculous to me.

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