Monday, April 29, 2013

4/29 Assignment

On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the ailines into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York. It killed everyone on board, along with many others in the building. Both of the towers collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and and damaging others. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon, and the fourth one crashed into a nearby field. There were no survivors from any of the flights.

First iPod was released in December 2001. Everyone was shocked by the product and it was very popular. Everyone wanted one. It was 1,000 songs in your pocket.

Harry Potter was released in November 2001. It was becoming a widely known film and book.

Sandy Hook was a massive school shooting. A guy got into an elementary school and shot and killed 26 students and six adults. It was said to be the deadliest mass shooting. This is what has lead us to what everyone is saying about gun control today. It was a day everyone will remember.

VA Tech shooting was a horrible day when gun shots were being fired. They heard gun shots and the students were just waking up. The shooter killed two people and shot 30 more after going into a building.

Super Storm Sandy happened during the 2012 season and it was rated a 3 hurricane. It killed many and left others without power all over the US. It was the biggest and most dangerous hurricane anyone has ever seen. It happened on the East coast.

Boston bombing just happened in Boston. It was during one of the biggest marathons around the world. There were pressure cookers set to go off and two of them did just about 4 hours after the marathon began. It killed 3 and injured many others.

After hurricane katrina, new orleans is still in effect. It killed over 1800 people and left many others without a home. It was one of the biggest hurricanes in the US and it caused more than 81 million dollars in damage.

Bellringer 4/29

I can't believe that they're just now letting blacks and whites go to the same prom. It's unbelievable that they were making invitations for two different proms because they weren't allowed going to the same one. I really don't see the big deal. I'm glad the students took matters into their own hands.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bellringer 4/25

I don't think wearing a strapless dress is a big deal, unless a girl is showing more cleavage than she should be. It's kind of crazy that the parents were the ones complaining and the students weren't. I understand that they would be mad if they had already bought the dress, but it says that kids weren't allowed to wear strapless dresses before. I'd just say they didn't care about the rules and thought that they'd get by with their kid wearing a strapless dress to the dinner. A lot of girls like wearing strapless dresses becaauses they are a lot prettier than one with straps, but it's also not hard for them to wear something to cover up their shoulders.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bellringer 4/18

I can't believe that USA Today would have a picture of the pressure cooker bomb on their website, and not only a picture of it... but I think it's way out of hand to actually show how to make them bomb. It's not acceptable.

Anyone can find out anything about anyone just by using and asking for the simplest things about you. No matter where you are or what you're doing, and now what you're buying. They know your name and where you live, and where you're from, but a zip code allows them to narrow it down. From what people see that you're buying, they know more and more about you. They find out things this way.

I think it's a good idea that background checks should be required before purchasing a gun, regarding how old and the history of the gun. If you bought a gun off someone that commited a murder with it, and you know have the gun, it's going to be on you.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Assignment 4/17

On Monday, April 15, two bombs went off at one of the biggest marathons in the world in Boston. 3 were killed and over 140 were injured. There isn't one to blame, but they believe that it was a terrorist attack. The Patriot Act is actively being used to target American citizens. Section 802 is aimed specifically at U.S. citizens and announces crimes as "domestic terrorism". Citizens can be held without trial as "Enemy Combatants". Non citizens will get into the same type of consequences, and sent to jail.

Between all the different news sites, they explain everything pretty much the same. It really depends on where the news is located, for instance, local, international, etc. It's always a great thing that we have the news, because that's how we figure out everything so quickly. Depending on how close you live to Boston, how fast you know to what's going on.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bellringer 4/16

This explosion was out of hand. I can't believe that it happened. I do believe that it was set up with the same incident from Sandy Hook.

Bellringer 4/15

I think that people should be allowed to carry guns. If you have a permit, you shold be allowed to carry one around with you. They should always do background checks, and figure out what that person has done in the past. I think they should take them seriously, and know everything about that person. But if you're eligible to carry a gun, then you should. You'd feel safe.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Assignment 4/10

jerk in the box: this cartoon is about north korea and he's popping up out of the box with a missile. they've been planning to blow us up, but i don't think it's going to happen.

passenger weight: this is about the airline charging people to fly by their weight. while they're on vacation, they eat a whole bunch of food laying on the beach. he asks if they budget their money.

kim jong un corner: he's sitting in the chair and their is a bomb sitting in the middle of the city. it has already blown up the buildings and they're scattered everywhere. he's facing away from the city and his sign says doesn't play well with others.

pope franziskus: he's the new pope and took the name francis.

cat laying on the couch: this picture represents lazy people! ;)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4/8 Texting and Driving

1. Texting and driving is as dangerous as driving intoxicated. Some don't think it's a problem. 77% of 2. young adults are very or somewhat confident that they can safely text while driving. 55% of young 3. adult drivers claim it's easy to text while they drive. Now it is a probem. Texting while driving
4. causes 1,600,000 accidents per year and 330,000 injuries. Texting while driving has become one of 5. the country's top killers. It's the same as having four beers before you drive, and being blind for
6. five seconds at a time. Drivers assume that they can text while driving and remain safe, but the
7. numbers don't lie. Laws can take care of the problem, but not everyone follows them. 10 states plus 8. plus D.C. prohibit all drivers from using handheld cell phones. 32 states and D.C. prohibit novice 9. drivers from cell phone use. 39 states plus D.C. prohibit all drivers from text messaging. 13% of 10. drivers age 18-20 involved in car wrecks admitted to texting or talkig on their phone at the same 11. time of the crash. There are only 5 states that have no ban on textin. 6 states have partial and the
12. rest is for all drivers in those states. In my opinion, I don't think anyone should be texting and
13. driving. It's not as important as your life, or someone else's. Any text message can wait. Texting 14. is just as bad as talking on your cell phone. It causes distractions too. I've seen people run mutiple 15. red lights and stop signs from talking on their phone. If you don't think that you can't get caught 16. texting and driving, you can, even if you crash your car and try to say you weren't texting. You 17. can tell what time you sent the last text message and when the crash happened. It wouldn't be a 18. problem if people weren't so addicted to texting and using their phones. Some people think that 19. their phone is their life and everything is on it. We use to never even have cell phones, and it's
20. only going to get worse.

Bellringer 4/8

Texting while driving is very dangerous. Not only for yourself, but for everyone around you. Adults are texting and driving more than what teenagers do and I think that it should be took more seriously than what it is now.