Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Assignment 4/17

On Monday, April 15, two bombs went off at one of the biggest marathons in the world in Boston. 3 were killed and over 140 were injured. There isn't one to blame, but they believe that it was a terrorist attack. The Patriot Act is actively being used to target American citizens. Section 802 is aimed specifically at U.S. citizens and announces crimes as "domestic terrorism". Citizens can be held without trial as "Enemy Combatants". Non citizens will get into the same type of consequences, and sent to jail.

Between all the different news sites, they explain everything pretty much the same. It really depends on where the news is located, for instance, local, international, etc. It's always a great thing that we have the news, because that's how we figure out everything so quickly. Depending on how close you live to Boston, how fast you know to what's going on.

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