Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Assignment 3/11

Being on a jury during a court cases is part of being a US Citizen. You are sworn in and have to deicide the veridct. We have tthe federal court and state court. A federal court is bigger than what a state court is. The federal court deals with bigger issues than the state. The federal court deals more with civil issues and the state keeps it small such as a  traffic citation.

A juror is to listen to cases, and read a lot of evidence. They have to come together to reach the verdict. If they don't reach it, they are a hung jury. The jury then goes back to the court and the Judge will speak for them. It isn't an easy job and they have to pay close attention to everything.

I wouldn't want to be a juror, just because I can't make decisions that rely on what other people do. I guess I could if I had all the evidence and everything was explained well. I couldn't be on a jury that had to decide something about gay rights, privacy, gun rights, murders, rape... just because I'd get to mad and probably throw a fit right there in the middle of it all. I couldn't handle it. I'd have my own opinion and I couldn't agree with anyone else or listen to what anyone has to say.

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