Thursday, March 7, 2013

Assignment 3/7

flilibuster- a tactic for delaying or obstructing legislation by making long speeches
cloture- procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote

The word filibuster comes from the term filibusteros, which is a term used to describe pirates that plundered in the seventeenth century. Filibuster became synonymous in the US with rebels and it was a prefect term to descirbe a technique used by rebellious senators looking for ways to hold up legislation. Filibusters also give a tremendous amount of power to individual Senators. Senators have used the filibuster, or the threat to filibuster in order to maximize their leverage with the President or other Senators. Filibuster has become much more common in the recent years. Roughly two-theirds of all filibusters in the Senat'e history have taken place in the last thirty years. They were used to stop civil rights legislation from passing in the 50s and 60s. Filibusters have been employed to stall bills of all types. A filibuster can be stopped when the Senate invokes cloture. There are many steps to invoke cloture.

Did you know that Rand Paul had the 9th longest filibuster?
Did you know that the longest filibuster was 24 hours and 18 minuts long?
Did you know that Storm Thurmond held the longest filibuster record?
Did you know that the Senate Democrats failed to get enough votes to stop a filibuster?
Did you know that the cloture is can overcome a filibuster?

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