Sunday, September 9, 2012

9/4 Assignment Federalist #10 & #51

Federalist #10
A: James Madison
B: November 22, 1787
C: It has already been written

1: It states the form of government that would protect the rights from organized and united factions.

2: A faction is defined as any number of citizens that are inspired by some common passions to act adversely towards the rights of other citizens.

3: Destroying liberties and making everyone have the same opinions are impossible to do.

4: The purpose of the Constitution is not to direct human nature, but rather to limit and separate the powers of government.

5: People wouldn't be able to express their own thoughts.

6: They would want the best for themselves and would do anything possible to get that. It wouldn't be fair to anyone.

7: It gives us our rights and makes it so nobody else can become a ruler and take over the people.

8: A rage for papaer money, for an abolition of debts and for an equal division of property.

9: I feel that they're positive views. Without all these things, we wouldn't have any right and life itself wouldn't be fair. It would fall apart.

Federalist #51

A: James Madison
B: February 1788
C: Virginia Ratification

1: Checks and balances.

2: The seperation of Church and State.

3: If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.

4: Human nature is thought to be not only negative, but permanently fixed: “There will always be good people and evil people” and “You can’t change human nature.”

5: The government is more dominant.

6: The checks and balances provides them to be balanced out so this won't happen.

7: Economy.

8: Keeping it safe and secure.

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