Friday, September 28, 2012

Social Awareness 9/27

To whom it may concern,

Laws against same-sex sexual activity came into affect in 1976. Lesbians, gays, bisexual, and transgender people face many challenges in the state of West Virginia. They're not available to as many opportunities as heterosexual married couples.

It is perfectly legal for an employer in West Virginia to fire an employee for being gay or lesbian. I believe that all rights should be the same from person to person, no matter what they choose to be. We should all have the same rights and privileges. We should all have the right to be with the person who we love, and have the same rights as a straight couple. Gay couples shouldn't have to be forced out of our state and creating such a hostile environment to live in. Church and State should be kept seperate, and West Virginia should be a more acceptable state.

LGBT rights have evolved throughout the years on a state-by-state basis. Some states offer marriage to same-sex couples, while others don't, but do allow the performance to be done elsewhere. West Virginia is 1 of the 5 states, out of a total of 50, that ban same-sex marriage.

The bible says: Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them".

As the bible says, these human beings, no different from any other, are guilty for being with the same sex. They're not guilty for doing anything, but for being a normal person. What's so bad about that? The society today is outrageously crazy, and there are people in the world who want other people to live harsh lives, so they judge. The world today has flipped completely around.

People today think if 2 humans cannot reproduce, then they don't belong together. But yet, Virgin Mary was not with a man to have a baby. If it was okay for her to be with a woman, because she was happy, then it wouldn't be a big deal today. Two people should be allowed to be happily married, no matter what anybody has to say. It's called Freedom. It isn't anyone's business. So why can't they be happy?

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