Friday, September 28, 2012

Bellringer 9/28

Should college students be allowed to have concealed weapons?

1. because of the massacre at Virginia Tech
2. student with guns could protect them self if there is a shooting
3. student of professor will be there with a gun at the right place and time
4. unless colleges can guarantee safety, they can carry guns
5. disarming victims doesn't protect them
6. they wouldn't feel threatened or scared of what might happen on campus
7. if they can carry them off campus, too
8. crime decline
9. carry them inside the buildings on campus
10. eveyone with a gun permit is well trained


1. there is binge drinking
2. drug use
3. mass shootings are rare in colleges
4. smarter ways to protect students
5. background checks on people
6. people who've behaved elsewhere will suddenly snap
7. responsible citizens have access, not college students on campus
8. criminals don't ask for permission
9. 4,500 robberies and 5,000 assaults occur every year on campus
10. only permit-holders should be allowed

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